Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Algorithm-a-Day : Day 09 : Quick Sort

TL;DR -> Do this over and over: Pick pivot, partition, sort.

  The C version is quite standard, implementing an in-place quicksort
which is not only fast, but also saves on memory.
While pivot selection is apparently a hot topic in some circles,
this simple version doesn't bother with any fancy work and simply
takes the middle element (of each subset) as the pivot. One could be even
lazier and skip this entirely, taking the first element as the pivot, but
if your list is sorted perfectly backwards and sufficiently long enough,
you could blow the stack.
-- I've included a short unit test for the C version as well, so feel
   free to compile that in your spare time.
  Nearly identical to the C version, and a lot shorter.
This implementation does its best not to inefficiently throw memory around,
and (in theory) is an in-place sort.
  As a bonus from using Python, we can specify default values in qsort()'s
function definition. Take a look! This allows us to simply pass something
like: qsort([4,5,2]) and everything will be taken care of.
(Recall the C version where we had to pass the starting lower and upper
bound values right off the bat)
  We also chose a different method of pivot selection. Here, we took
three values, the lower, upper, and middle, sorted them, then chose the
pivot position to be element number corresponding to the middle value
(essentially the average). This ensures that the pivot will never be an
outlier, needlessly extending the stack and the amount of work that needs
to be done. A combination of several built-in functions takes care of
this work nicely for us, as can be seen in the get_pivot_pos() function.
  Ahhh filters and lazy evaluation. This solution is obviously the cleanest
out of the three. The pivot here is the same as the C version, simply
chosen as the middle element of the set. This can easily be made a one-liner
if you don't much care for names and neat-looking code.

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