Sunday, August 14, 2011

Algorithm-a-Day : Day 13 : (Binary Max) Heap

Not the memory Heap! This is a tree based structure that a lot of fancy
things are built with :).

Github :: Heap

  Heaps are essentially trees that satisfy something called "The Heap
Property". This property states that for every parent node,
its two (or more) children will be less than it (by whatever method
of comparison you're using). The order of the children doesn't matter.
Nor does is matter if a parent contents children greater than that
parent's sibling node.
  Heaps bless us with an interesting property: the children are always
an _inductable_ distance away from their parent. The root, being the first
parent, will always have children at Nodes 2 and 3. Likewise the 4th Node
will belong to root's first child, etc.
  This pattern allows us to bypass implementing a tree completely,
and instead store the Heap as a list/array, simply inducing the indexes
of the child/parent nodes whenever we need them.
  For a given node at index i:
    - children @ a[2i+1] and a[2i+2]
    - parent @ a[floor((i−1)/2)]
  Heaps need to be able to do a few things:
    - Insert and rebalance.
    - Delete the root and rebalance.
    - Yield the max (or min) value present.
    - Merge with another heap.
  New values are inserted at the end of the Heap. This is trivial if the
Heap is implemented as an array internally. We must then 'cascade-up',
swapping the new child with its parent until the Heap Property is restored.
  At most this would only ever take as many operations as there are
layers in the Heap.
  When removing the root, take the last leaf and make it the root.
Then 'cascade-down', always swapping the current leaf with its greater child
until again, the Heap Property is restored.
  While this isn't the case for all types of Heaps, Binary Max/Min heaps
can complete this in a single operation.
  Simply yield one to the other, inserting each value and cascading as
  Heaps are used in a particular sorting algorithm called Heap Sort,
as well in graphing algorithms like Dijkstra's Algorithm.
  As an experiment, I wrote this version in the Linux Kernel style of
C coding. Turned out pretty neat, if you don't mind 8-space tabs.
  This does everything we promised Heaps have to do: insertion, deletion,
finding the max, and merging. It also prints itself out _like a tree_,
just like Binary Search Tree from before.
  I went all-out with error checking too, and just hope I did it
  Less than half the length of the C version... who'da thought? Python gives
us a lot of power here. Merging heaps is as simple as inserting all
the elements of a given iterator. It doesn't even have to be a heap ^^!
  Again, lots of power with __iter__ and __str__.
  You may notice that cascade_down() is quite different between the C
and Python versions. The Python version uses a more general approach to
determine the greater child (and its index) and actually allows us to
have more than 2 children in a future implementation. The C version doesn't
even begin to allow this.
  As lists in Haskell are Linked Lists and not random access arrays,
implementing a Heap with a list would be a bit foolish. Instead,
we go ahead and create our own data type, much like we did with
the Binary Tree. Essentially by changing how new items are added did we
make this a Heap. Notice that this Heap is foldable just like the BS Tree was,
and that this Heap will print out properly in a Tree shape, just like the C
and Python versions.
  I admit that heapInsert and cascade are so close to each other that it's
a bit disturbing. I'm sure the solution is obvious, and that it just hasn't
dawned on me yet.
  Removing the root in this version is also less complicated (and slower).
We simply ignore the root and heapMerge the two branches together.
  listToHeap isn't really necessary, but it helps out with testing.

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